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From our Garden
We celebrate the extraordinary beauty found in our ordinary garden spaces. They are a source of inspiration for us! A photograph can capture their rich detail, just as we preserve their flavorfulness by canning our vegetables & fruits to savor their delishousness out of season. We somehow feel more connected to the planet. You can get a really big blast of color by clicking on the photos -- just for the fun of it!
Go "big red"!
Candidates for "Dilled Green Beans"
only the long, straight beans can be stuffed into the quart canning jars (we dine on the crooked ones)
Winter squash and pumpkins
Okra blossoms are sooooo pretty
Red Leaf Lettuce
Sunflowers rule!
Betsy's favorite garden sentinel
Garden green beans
Nothing tastes as sweet!
Home grown peaches
Garden produce
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